Thursday, February 06, 2025
Slovenčina (Slovenská republika)English (United Kingdom)

Folk music

Nowadays, the folk music consists of nine musicians: violin – Miroslav Danihel, Jozef Hlbocký, Matúš Pompura nad Andrej Trajtel, contra violine – Daniel Bebej, Jakub Bebej and Viktor Chudoba, accordion – Jakub Pisár and double bass – Ján Kliment. The repertoire of this group is composed of folk songs from regions: Podpoľanie (Detva, Čerín, Hrochoť…), Horehronie (Šumiac, Pohorelá) and Čierny Balog. Folk music accompanies the dance group and performs also vocal-instrumental pieces from almost all regions of Slovakia.


Translated by Mgr. Zuzana Danihelová